Matthias Börner von Syntegon beim Industrieforum 2023 zum Thema "Mit Cquenz skalierbare Maschinen entwickeln

Syntegon: Developing scalable machines with Cquenz

No product without modularity: At Syntegon, Matthias Börner develops process machines where scalability and flexibility are core to the product idea. To ensure that this succeeds from sales to the supply chain, he has been working continuously model-based in Cquenz since the planning phase – and can thus evaluate variants, costs, configuration, etc. consistently. “The most important thing is the mindset of everyone involved”, he reportes at our Industry Forum 2023. To shape this is possible with the consistent system and Excel evaluations from Cquenz that are tailored to the departments. The achievements of the new way of working have been convincing: “We are now transferring this approach to the other machines in our portfolio.” Thanks to its modularity, the Syntegon XELUM® platform can be scaled to larger batch sizes during the operating phase. And this is a success: well-known pharmaceutical companies on 3 continents are already using the scalable platform.